somehow i had a brand new bf in this dream. we were having tons of fun running around doing stupid shit. laughing, playing, riding around in a vehicle, grocery shopping (which i like). there were two dudes who didn't approve of him for some reason. i'm not sure what their jobs were, but they both were really tall and buff. like they had some extra official business to do. the first guy was the embodiment of wary. he warned me to be careful with the bf. the second guy was far more blunt about his displeasure. more openly annoyed. i was confused because the bf wasn't doing anything weird. it felt like they didn't appreciate him pulling me away from some activity that was less fun and more important (something to do with why they looked like official peoples?).
at some point, i was attracting a Corvus (from Paladins LMAO) and it was so scary. he was huge and was chasing me around. i couldn't get any distance because i wasn't fast enough. he didn't feel alive at all. more like an AI that was on autopilot. my bf couldn't do shit about it so i was stuck yelling "Corvus!!!!" and scrunching up like a coward. weird ass dream. i don't even play Corvus and barely play Paladins anymore to begin with.
somehow got caught in a zombie apocalypse in the house of a well off couple. these two likely worked office jobs or something. the wife was focsed on making me and the other survivors feel safe and at home. it kinda worked.
the house was a two story likely with a basement and attic in one of those neighbourhoods with big houses. it was those two with no kids, but they had quite a few rooms and bathrooms. a few other people were there, like this one girl who i didn't initally notice was a teenager. i think there were two dudes and two chicks. the other people got fuzzy by the time i awoke.
i think the couple was explaining that the house was pretty safe and that we could use it as a home base. the husband was pretty enthusiastic about whatever security he put into the house. no one seemed that phased about the zombie thing (this may've also been inspired by Zom 100).
once night fell, we were planning what we were gonna do about supplies and shit. a few other people were concerned about reaching family, one in particular being the girl. she was getting on my nerves, so i told her to stop bitching. got her feels hurt and i ended up asking her how old she was (something about her behaviour made me pause yk). she wouldn't say, but i narrowed it down and realized she was a kid, so i apologized and gave her a hug 'cause i guess she musta been scared.
this was one of the nicer dreams i've had lately since most of them are just nightmares(?) of real life trauma. i'll probably turn the husband into an OC later. i like his prepper attitude. the fact that he tricked his house out with security and gadgets was hella dope. oh, and i watched The Divide way after this, now that i think of it. totally fits that but in a cleaner and kinder way.