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it's over, dawg
started up MWII again and got into Ghost Team properly. not sure if the newer graphics driver update fixed it or what, but i'm both glad and upset that i got through it.

despite replaying being a thing, i'm never quite ready for a game to end. there's just something about finishing a storyline that rips my heart out and stakes it. it may not even be the best story ever, but it's oddly bittersweet.

i swept through Ghost Team without much issue besides a few hiccups. mainly due to stupid accidents and mispresses.
the only part that gave me trouble was

the Graves tank battle. mainly because of the Shadows chasing me around. the tank itself was more of a lazy opponent.

i eventually made my way to the building with Rudy and set up at the second floor. lobbed C4 at the tank, like, twice and it was over. caught me off guard 'cause i thought it'd take a little more than that. turns out an RPG and a few bombs works fine.

Countdown was fucken awful. not because of difficulty (note: scumbag Bear mostly played on Regular), but because i hated Alone solely due to it being scary. i love horror games, but i do not like playing horror games. Alone and Countdown can suckle my jewels.
it was bad enough crawling around the rain-soaked streets trying to get Soap to the church. as soon as i saw the ability to pick up materials in Countdown, i was cursing whoever decided to turn the game into Resident Evil.

that being said, i probably got caught only once. i'm not sure if i'm surprised at how easy the game was or what. i am still quaking in my boots over those two missions, though.

so, yeah. it's over. i've officially finished the MWII storyline. i am now sad. i don't want MWIII because some asshole spoiled the big thing in a stream chat as soon as they could.

i know i'd be miserable if i tried getting through it. i haven't even bothered watching any more playthroughs and won't because of that decision. what i will do is never see it for myself and acknowledge only the version of the story in my head where everything is fine and dandy.

behold, my only achievements

modern warfare II
i got MWII on sale a while ago, but my laptop was terrible. laggy as hell and the graphics were atrocious. decided to update my graphics (iris xe (¬_¬)...) and clear my space. downloaded the game again and fired it up. turns out i can play it.

my fps count was horrid on paper, being only 25-35 most times, but it's been a mostly smooth. lag spikes have been a rarity. i'm glad, too. my favourite mission so far has been Recon By Fire since i tend towards sniping in shooters. i'm almost sorry if you hate snipers in PVP. i can see how they're not fun to play against, but crisp shots take skill and i do love a challenge.

the mission wasn't hard, though. probably will be on anything other than regular, but i want to get the whole storyline down before upping the difficulty.

the price and gaz missions were great. pretty chill. well, aside from the one where gaz has to hop vehicles and what not. that one was a little more energetic, but it was still fun and not too hard.

i did get annoyed when i tried hopping trucks and the truck i was originally on decided it was sonic and wanted to outrun the other :o|

unfortunately, i haven't finished the campaign yet. i stopped at Ghost Team because there was a weird glitch where i was seeing a blinding light while moving forward. apparently, it's not just a me thing. still haven't found a fix :o\

if you have a fix pls comment on my profile. i don't have a comment box set up yet (; ̄ー ̄川