detroit become cupid
Found out about the movie T.I.M. while doing who knows what on IMDb. Seeing that it was about an android, I was immediately intrigued.

I didn't expect this movie to be great when I started watching it. This movie is ridiculously predictable, but I didn't watch it to find something unique and profound. I wanted to watch a movie remniscent of a mediocre fanfic and that's what I got.

Impressive is not a word I'd use to describe the movie. It looked nice, the actors were alright, and the plot was easy to follow. Our lead, Abi, is gifted an android model by the name TIM from the robotics company she works at. She's moved to this cool secluded spot with her husband, Paul, to start a new chapter of life.

As anyone would expect, TIM gradually (quickly tbh) gains a fascination with her and a resentment for her husband.

Talk about each main character. Spoils


I have no idea what to say. She was nice but unfortunately stupid. For some reason, she thought moving her whore husband away from the city would stop his cheating. Ma'am...
She was sweet to TIM and I was totally rooting for them. Wished she would've dropped Paul sooner instead of moving with him and trying to have a kid. Like, WHY would you want to procreate with someone you still aren't sure you can trust??? ABI!!!


Awful creature. Hate him. Cheated on his wife who still loved him and didn't break it off with him when she should've. Weirdo. I love androids but he was givin' me bad vibes with how he was so wary of TIM immediately. Like how some characters in Overwatch don't like omnics. Annoying.
That could be forgiven since they live in a world where they didn't grow up with androids, but he was just unpleasant. He was too friendly with their neighbour even though his relationship with Abi was tender because of the cheating. Too secretive with his phone despite them supposedly starting anew and trying to rebuild trust. Took too long to die. I do not like Paul. He was so unlikeable that it ruined any supposed tension in the movie.


Generic android cutie pie. Curious and what not. I wish they'd done his hair differently because it was terribly unflattering, but that's obviously a cosmetic thing that ultimately doesn't matter.
His character was fairly uncomplicated and done alright. I liked him even though he wasn't anything new for the rogue/yandere android trope.
Actually, there was something about his character that I felt was strange. Maybe it was only a consequence of the pacing of the movie, but the way that he moved so quickly to straight out killing Abi was insane. Like, bruv. Y'all can talk about it. Why you skip to 'she'll never love me. time to die' so fast?

It's a decent watch if you're not looking for anything overly interesting. The sets were nice to look at and it was a little funny at times.

bullet train
This movie has been on my radar since the trailer came out. Never was in a rush to see it, but I finally did it last month.

I initially believed Bullet Train to be a typical stylistic action movie, and I'm glad I was wrong. It's an action comedy with funny, memorable characters and plenty of face-punching to keep you engaged.

The main protagonist, Ladybug, is a clumsy man with some mix of heightened good and bad luck. He's strangely whimsical for a person who has misfortune and death following him around.

I wasn't too sure about him at first, but Ladybug grew on me fast. His generally confused yet polite demeanour was both amusing and charming.

Despite my like for Ladybug, the real showrunners of this movie were (predictably) Tangerine and Lemon. The twins were an absolute treat. Their bickering and apparent care for one another was something that I found fulfilling. The twobie bro trope is a huge favourite of mine that will never die.

Major Spoils: Something that made me super angry!
And for the part I hated so badly: TANGERINE'S DEATH WAS SO SHIT. It was so awful because it wasn't awesome or crazy heroic. The fact that it was more of an accident than anything made me want to rip the train in half.
When he died, it was such a 'That's it???' moment. It happened out of nowhere and was discarded like nothing. I'm glad there was at least a special acknowledgement scene with Lemon, but OH MY GOD. Why couldn't he live? T_T FML.
It's okay. He's alive in my brain. In my version of BT, he and Lemon get the hell off the train in the end and vowed to never take any more weirdo jobs involving them.

This movie is worth several watches. It doesn't take itself too seriously. It's pretty, funny, and scratches the action itch. Seems like it was a lot of fun to film.

oh, boy, ivan locke
I love watching bad horror movies and action, but sometimes I need to watch something calming with little going on. In comes "Locke", a 2013-14 A24 film that promised to only be a guy in a car taking calls. No masked killers, no guns, no explosions. It was exactly what I wanted when I asked ChatGPT for a recommendation.

If you're interested in this movie because it sounds like a wonderful ASMR experience, I recommend it wholeheartedly. Tom Hardy takes a long night drive surrounded by many other vehicles, and it is beautiful. The lights on the dark backdrop, Locke's warm profile, his rambling — it's all great if you're fine with more than whispering. As much as I was frustrated by the actual plot of the movie, I would watch it all over again solely for the way that it was filmed.

As for the plot, I do not recommend this movie to tender-hearted folks who cannot bear the slight drama. This movie is not marked as a horror, but it may play the same as The House That Jack Built for people who are soft empaths. You'll likely find yourself hurting for Ivan's wife, and maybe even him to a degree.

If I could change anything about this movie, it would be the reason that Locke is stuck driving so far to begin with.

According to the man himself, he spent a drunken night with a lonely woman named Bethan, something that he appears to regret but cannot change. I would give my left walnut to make a version of this movie where the main issue was something else, but alas, I am also unable to change the events of the movie.

That being said, a part of me is impressed with how Ivan addressed certain parts of his predicament.

He may have been clumsy, but his attempt to take complete ownership of his faults instead of offloading them to someone else was commendable. Others may see this as being the bare minimum, which it is - especially in his positon, but I can still appreciate it.

Could he have done things better? Definitely. Should he be allowed to drink with other people around? No. Never.