
smugbear, aloofbear

  • feb 29 2000
  • friendless internet cloud
  • half-assed artist, writer, game-playing king in space
  • tired
  • hermit
  • bit odd

yo, my name's all over this site. i'm sure you've found it by now. i'm a 24 yr old who can't get over the web i grew up with. used to be big into blogging about Fantage and joining cool forums.

in the present, i mainly browse the internet passively. until they bring back old forums or a site that isn't a dumpster fire, i probably won't ever have a prominent social media presence again. you can find me here and wherever else i link, but i'm not much of a talker.

my interests are predictably in the realm of Spongebob, Sonic, FPS and RPG games, and DIY stuffs. animal crossing is cute, but i'm terrible at it.

i'm a highly opinionated person, but i hate being surrounded by political garble all the time because it is unhappy-making. my site isn't perfect, but it's meant to be something of a respite. everyone's welcome to browse or reach out to me if needed.